10 Survival Skills Every Kid Should Know
In today's world, kids need to know survival skills for self defense or for hunting. No longer can we rely on the assumption that our children will be safe and sheltered from harm. We need to teach them how to take care of themselves in case of an emergency. In this blog post, we will discuss 10 survival skills that every kid should know. These skills will help your child stay safe and prepared for anything!
Here are 10 survival skills every child should know:
Survival Skill #1: How to Call for Help.
In an emergency, it is important to know how to call for help. Teach your child how to use a phone or other communication device to contact authorities. They should have an accessible list of names and phone numbers of both family members and trusted friends.
Survival Skill #2: How to Stay Calm in an Emergency.
When an emergency strikes, it is important to stay calm and think clearly. This survival skill will help your child stay focused and make good decisions in a crisis.
Survival Skill #3: How to Properly Store Food
One of the most important survival skills is knowing how to store food. This is especially important if you live in an area where there are natural disasters or power outages. If your child knows how to properly store food, they will be able to survive for a longer period of time without having to worry about food spoilage.
Survival Skill #4: How to Build a Shelter
If your child is ever stranded in the wilderness, it is important for them to know how to build a shelter. This will protect them from the elements and help them stay warm. There are many different ways to build a shelter, so it is important to teach your child how to build one that is sturdy and will withstand the elements.
Survival Skill #5: How to Find Clean Water
Another important survival skill is knowing how to find clean water. This is essential for survival because our bodies need water to function properly. If your child knows how to find clean water, they will be able to stay hydrated and healthy in an emergency situation. The best way to find clean water in an emergency situation is find a stream or running body of water and use a hand held pocket water filter and either drink directly from the stream or use a device to boil it.
Read: Katadyn Pocket Water Filter: Everything You Need to Know
Survival Skill #6: How to Signal for Help
If your child is ever in a situation where they need to signal for help, it is important for them to know how to do so properly. There are many different ways to signal for help, so it is important to teach your child how to use them all. This way, they will be able to get the attention of rescuers in an emergency situation. The most common method to signal for help is by using a signal fire. This is made by creating a pile of combustible materials and setting them on fire. The smoke from the fire will attract attention and help rescuers find your child.
Survival Skill #7: How to Start a Fire
One of the most essential survival skills is knowing how to start a fire. If your child knows how to start a fire, they will be able to stay warm and dry in an emergency situation. Fire can also be used to cook food and signal for help. You can teach kids how to start a fire using various methods, such as flint and steel or a magnifying glass.
Survival Skill #8: How to Navigate Using the Stars
If your child is ever lost in the wilderness, it is important for them to know how to navigate using the stars. This survival skill will help them find their way back to safety. To navigate using the stars, your child will need to know how to find the North Star. Once they have found the North Star, they will be able to use it as a reference point to find their way back home.
Survival skill #9: How to Identify Edible Plants
Another survival skill that is essential for kids to know is how to identify edible plants. This way, they will be able to find food in the wild if they are ever stranded. There are many different edible plants out there, so it is important to teach your child how to identify them. Equally important is to identify potentially poisonous plants.
Read: Edible Weeds in your Garden: 10 Weeds you Can Eat.
Survival Skill #9 Teach your Kids How to Hunt and Fish
If you want to teach your kids how to really survive in the wild, you should teach them how to hunt and fish. Hunting and fishing are two of the most essential survival skills. They will provide your child with food and help them stay alive in an emergency situation.
Read: Hunting Tips for Beginners
Survival Skill #10: How to Make a Natural First Aid Kit
The last survival skill that every kid needs to know is how to make a natural first aid kit. This will come in handy if your child is ever injured in the wilderness. There are many different items that you can include in a natural first aid kit, such as herbs and essential oils. Some natural herbs that can be used for first aid purposes are lavender, chamomile, and calendula.
These are just a few of the survival skills that every kid should know. By teaching your child these skills, you will help them stay safe in an emergency situation. Do you have any other survival tips that you would add to this list? Share them in the comments below!
How to Build a Bug Out Bag for Kids: Tips and Tricks
Tags: survival skills for kids, survival skills, survival skill list, survival kit for kids, emergency preparedness for kids, how to teach survival skills to kids, how to survive, what are survival skills
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